A-Z Information

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [Other]

Physical Education (PE)

All students participate in weekly health and physical activity programs designed to help them identify and adopt healthy lifestyles and promote their participation in physical activity. Children should wear appropriate clothing for all PE classes (see Uniform). For health reasons, all middle and senior school students are requested to bring their PE T-shirt to change into prior to PE classes.

Positive Behaviours for Learning (PBL)

KSS is a PBL school where all students are regularly taught the school’s expectations of a being a Safe, Respectful, Learner and how they apply to all settings. All responses to behavior are based upon these agreed upon expectations.


Children can enrol in preschool if they turn 4 years of age on or before 30 April of the enrolment year. The Kingsford Smith Preschool operating hours are:

Please click here for further information about preschool.

Priority Enrolment Area (PEA)

(PEA) for Kingsford Smith School is: